Conociendo San Francisco, California

Before leaving for our trip to San Francisco, we made a detailed list of the places that were recommended to visit, we went for three days, and we wanted to make the most of it.
We created our outfits, which according to the season were the right ones to make.
Our first tip for when you travel is," Don't get stressed if you are not able to visit all the places you were planning on visiting", because there may be some problems, such as too much people, the place was not what you imagined or there is bad weather.
Tip 2: Always create more than one plan, because if the first one does not work, you have more alternatives.
Tip 3: If your outfits are not suitable for whatever reason, combine them and create new ones, do not block yourself. None of these changes can limit you to create.
In our case, the three days we were there were very cold, and the outfits that we had planed had to be adapted due to the weather, what at first seemed to be an obstacle became a great advantage as we adapted and took the oportunity :)
What we learned: San Francisco is a wonderful city, full of color and beautiful corners that are full of stories. Discovering the city with our own eyes was the best we could do and it was a unique experience, that's why when you travel, discover the corners with your own look and you will be surprised. Most importantly... Enjoy!!!
Antes de partir nuestro viaje a San Francisco hicimos una lista detallada de los lugares que más recomendaban visitar, íbamos por tres días, y queríamos aprovecharlo al máximo. Planeamos los outfits, que según la temporada eran los adecuados para realizar.
Nuestro primer tip para cuando viajes es:"No estresarte si no conoces todo lo que te propusiste", porque pueden existir algunos inconvenientes, como por ejemplo que hay mucha gente, el lugar no es lo que imaginabas o hay mal tiempo.
Tip 2: Siempre crea más de un plan, porque si el primero no funciona, hay mas alternativas. Tip 3: Si tus outfits no son los adecuados, reinventa los y combínalos, pero no te bloquees. Nada de estos improvistos puede limitarte a crear.
En nuestro caso, los tres días que estuvimos hizo mucho frío, y los outfits que habíamos planeado tuvieron que ser adaptados por el clima, lo que al principio se presento como un obstáculo se transformo en una gran ventaja ya que nos adaptamos y aprovechamos la oportunidad :)
Lo que aprendimos: San Francisco es un ciudad maravillosa, llena de color y rincones llenos de historias. Descubrir la ciudad con nuestra propia mirada era lo mejor que podíamos hacer y fue una experiencia única, por eso cuando viajes descubre los rincones con tu propia mirada y te sorprenderás. Lo más importante... Disfruta!!!